Evolve of Die

I had a great conversation with a friend today about what happens when we're faced with tough times. I think this comes down to the type of person you.

Are you someone who faces issues with determination? If so, then you tend to think of many things that you can do to make the situation right. You don't sit to much to see what other opportunities surface.

Are you someone that listens to others and appreciate a second opinion? You might have plans of action but you need to see that someone else has succeed in their endeavor. Some spend to much time thinking of possible failure or rejection to accomplish their goals.

Or are you someone that self deprecates about themselves and forgets what to do? Those are the ones I worry about. They get lucky and skate by life. They work hard to work less later.

I do admit that this list is far from complete. These were the ones that we were discussing today, but our goal was to see that with some motivation and determination people CAN get through difficulties. Sloth will only carry that burden along.

Make something of yourself.
