A noun, a verb, P.O.W.

So, I have stayed away from politics on my blog for awhile (actually, it would look like I've stayed away period) but this was too funny and good to pass up. If you think Barack and his team are not having a good time doing this, then you might have missed the irony of the text message last night.

Everyone got their text at 3AM. Haha, as in the Hillary Clinton commercial during the primaries which tried to scare us that something would happen at 3 AM and we needed a leader to answer the call.

At first, I was complete baffled when I got this message in the middle of the night. But the next day, reading a couple blogs and drinking my juice I understood the irony and humor the Obama campaign has. It shows that they see opportunity and innovation, while still loving the job that they do. That's the kind of people we all want to work with, someone who loves what they do.

Biden is a great running mate. He holds the same values as Obama and has incredible message discipline (as shown in the last few days). Joe has much foreign and military experience. But for me, the best attribute for Joe B is that he a blunt. He doesn't ride the middle and will call things like he sees it. I'm once again charged up for Nov 4th!
